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Digital Marketing 101: 9 Benefits of Using Email Marketing

In today’s digital age, companies use the Internet to spread the word about their brand and products or services. There are various ways to be successful, but email marketing is one of the more effective ways.

As the name suggests, email marketing involves sending marketing communications to a list of customers or prospects through email. This can be done by automated software or manually. Email marketing is especially effective because it is less expensive, unlike other forms of advertising. It can also be very timely, flexible, and convenient.

#1 – You See Instant Results

Any form of marketing sees results in a short period of time. However, email marketing is more efficient and effective than other forms because it targets your audience directly. Unlike other forms of marketing, email marketing can capture leads straight away. It’s also more effective in gaining customer engagement.

#2 – Establishes Rapport with Customers

People hate spam, but when you send newsletters or send other relevant email messages to your target audience, they value your targeted information. In turn, it boosts the rapport you have with your customers.

#3 – Maximises the Marketing Budget

You may have a limited marketing budget, but it’s not an issue with email marketing. With email marketing, you will be able to maximise your marketing budget. You can purchase email lists or build your own list. Later on, you can send an email campaign and then promote your brand or product.

#4 – You Have Your Own Mailing List

A great thing about email marketing is your own mailing list. It means that you have a list of people interested in your products or services. You can send emails to these people whenever you have new products or services and even let them in on special promotions.

#5 – Allows for Segmentation

With email marketing, you can segment your target audience better. Instead of sending marketing materials to everybody, you can send them to specific segments in your list. With this, you can learn from your customers’ responses to your products and services and determine your brand’s best course of action.

#6 – Increases Website Traffic

Since email marketing is done via email, it also means that it can be done with your website. This way, people who open your emails can be exposed to your website. This way, you will increase the traffic on your website and even convert leads into sales.

#7 – Increases Your Profits

Email marketing can be a great help in maximising profits. It does this by increasing your sales and targeting the right customers for your brand. In addition, it can help in keeping your customers by offering them special discounts, promos, and sales.

#8 – Automates the Sales Process

With email marketing, you don’t need to call your customers. You can just send them emails and have them respond. This way, you can manage your sales process better and have more time to focus on other things.

#9 – You Can Get Genuine Feedback

As you send your emails to your customers, your replies enable you to get genuine feedback about your products and services. You can use this information to improve your products or services and even develop new ones.


Email marketing can be an excellent tool for your business. As you send your emails to customers, you can learn a lot about your brand, products, and customers. When you know more about your customers, you can determine the best course of action for your business.

Jam Digital is a marketing agency in Wagga that can help you with all your marketing needs. Our team of experienced marketers can work according to any client’s needs for an affordable cost. Contact us today to learn more!