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Social Media

Social Media

Social is about building a real connection with your customers, fans and followers, developing the right voice and content, and sticking to the channels that add value for your business.


What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing is connecting with your audience and engaging them using social media platforms (such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat and Twitter), by creating and sharing engaging content.


How can social media help you?

Social media plays an increasingly significant part in contemporary business and allows you to reach your customers where they ‘play’. Social media is a two-way street. It presents the opportunity to humanise your brand and build rapport with your customers (and future customers), and it provides an avenue for your customers to give feedback on your product or service.

Social media benefits:

  • Increase your business’s visibility – increase  brand recognition and awareness
  • Increases your conversions 
  • Cost effectiveness –  you can invest little time and money to see great results
  • Create a brand identity – social media enables you to project a consistent brand image & personality

If you need some help with your social media or you want to grow your brand’s relevance and reach – drop us a line for a friendly chat.

Have some social questions?

What type of content will JAM Media post?

Our content strategy is tailored for your target audience and your business. Our graphic designers create custom images for your brand and our digital managers post content that either informs, entertains, or inspires your target customers.

Do I have to be on every social media network?

No. Create accounts that are strategic – simply ask yourself where is my audience’s attention? It will help you figure our which social networks you should be on. If your audience are not interested in Snapchat – there is no need to spend time and energy there! 

Will social media marketing work for my business?

If your customers are online – then yes, we think so! Social media enables businesses to connect with their customers and gain marketing insights. Social media marketing can help you build awareness, show credibility, communicate authenticity, provide support and it’s pretty cost effective.  We think it provides a great opportunity and advantage for every business. 


How do I get more followers?

Easy – give people a reason to follow you but remember it’s quality over quantity! You want people who follow you to actually engage with your content. You’re asking for their attention – which is a limited resource. People are bombarded with content all the time so you need to give them a good reason to follow you.

Does social media affect SEO?

It does, but it affects SEO indirectly. Google doesn’t count social shares in its search ranking algorithm. Social media can still help your SEO though, you can use it to network with influencers, other websites and businesses – who can link to your website in their content which helps your SEO.

How often should I post?

Your posting frequency depends on your business resources and on your audience. Your goal is to get quality content that your audience will love, in front of as many eyes as possible. 

If you can only post on Facebook three times a week but they are three great posts that get a lot of engagement then that’s perfectly acceptable!  Try and find a consistent schedule that you can maintain.Remember to never sacrifice quality for quantity. If you do need help with social management, drop us a line to see how we can help!


What type of content should I be posting?

What your audience wants to see! It boils down to knowing your desired customer. If you have a solid understanding of their lifestyles insights, desires and their pain points, it will bemuch easier to create or find relevant content they’re likely to enjoy and engage with.