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Marketing during COVID-19

How to market your business during COVID-19?

The reality is that Corona virus is going to be around for a while. It will continue to spread and there will continue to be hot spots that pop up. So what does this mean for your business?

Businesses are going to struggle for a while. Businesses are going to struggle for well over a year and will have to try and make up their losses that were incurred during the crisis.

COVID-19 presents a range of business challenges but effective marketing will give your customers a reason to purchase from you and help keep them loyal to your business. 

Read our tips on how to market your business during COVID-19.

  • Give where you can to help others. Everyone is struggling at the moment. Help other people out in need by giving away a free product or service. There are indirect benefits from helping others and your efforts will be greatly appreciated by your local community.
  • Keep your customers updated. Social media is a quick and easy platform to provide updates on what your business is doing. Let your customers know what your business is up to and let them know about any changes to your business operations, products and/or services.
  • Be empathetic and relevant in your communications. Remember that this is a challenging time for all of us. Recognise this in your messaging and in your tone of voice and be sensitive about what you post.
  • Conversions are down for most industries. There have been drops in conversions in almost all industries but there is a solution that can help boost your online conversion rates – payment plans. Payment plans allow your customers to pay for your product or service over several instalments e.g. Afterpay. Digital services like these, can reduce the short term financial burden your customers may be facing and increase your conversions.
  • Digital marketing is the way forward. Many people are now spending more time online with people working from and spending more time at home. According to a recent study by the ABS, 46% of Australians were working from home at the end of April and early May 2020 and a whopping 58% of people reported spending more time in front of their television, computer, phone or other device. Now is the time to increase your digital marketing. One of the latest trends we are seeing is that paid ads are becoming cheaper with many businesses pulling their ads, making the auction bid cheaper for the remaining players because there is less competition and demand. 

Putting in the effort now, can help you get ahead of the pack and help you come out of COVID-19 stronger.

If you need help with your business’s digital marketing (social media, search engine optimisation and paid ads) – we can help. Give us a call on (02) 6921 2683 for a friendly chat about what we can do to help market your business during COVID-19